"...But I Don't Understand Why You Have to Wear Makeup."


To be completely honest, most days I prefer my made-up face to my fresh face that scares greets me each morning. I could list all my imperfections and each feature that bugs the heck out of me and shoots my confidence to its lowest point, but that wouldn't be good for anyone. 

I started wearing makeup because I wanted to. I don't really remember exactly what I started with but I do recall buying Covergirl and NYC at the drugstore a lot. In middle school a friend of mine came in one day wearing a full face of makeup saying, "My mom told me I needed to start wearing makeup because I look like a ghost." Perplexed, my pre-teen self was wondering (1) how a mother could essentially force her own daughter to wear makeup, and (2) how this poor girl could display any resemblance to ghost. Regardless of the circumstances I was intrigued by this whole "makeup" thing.

Credit: Girlishh
I have had some extremely embarrassing makeup mishaps over the years, and it wasn't until the past year or two that I really got into makeup. I watched video after video, read magazines, did my research, and started to really learn how to apply makeup -- and to apply it well. I developed a love for it (I guess you could call it a "hobby" of some sort), and that's obviously one of the major reasons I started this blog.

I can't tell you how many times my BF has told me I should just "not wear makeup," or that he thinks I look beautiful without makeup. While my heart melts when he says these things, I tell him I can't help myself. I simply just love wearing makeup. 

Sure, I love that it covers my imperfections. I wouldn't be human if I didn't. I love that I can match my extremely pale face to my much-tanner body with a little bit of product. I love that I can contour my face to "hide" some of my not-so-favorite features. I love that I can use all sorts of colors, highlights, and tools to bring out my favorite features. I love playing around with different products, tools, and techniques. It's fun for me, and I wear it because I love it. I wear it for me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid to go without makeup. I'm not one of those girls who refuses to step out the door without an ounce of product on her face. I can do it, but I prefer the sleek, clean, flawless looking face I can achieve with my makeup. Call it crazy or whatever you like, but I don't see a damn thing wrong with loving how you look with makeup on. :)


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