When is it Time to Let Go?


Let me set aside the beauty talk and get real for a minute. 

Recently I've found myself in the midst of an unfortunate conflict. For over a month now I have been holding on to a great deal of anger and hurt feelings...emotions that stemmed from an ordeal where I felt I was wronged and -- in all honestly -- completely mistreated. After a couple weeks with no progress or effort from the other party, I reached out in an attempt to express my feelings and hopefully make amends. When my sincere attempt turned out to be a total bust, I was beside myself. Hurt, frustrated, and confused I stopped trying to fix a situation where I felt (and still feel) that I did nothing wrong. What is most hurtful is that there is no communication from the other end. 

This past month has forced me to reflect and take a deeper look inside myself. I replayed the said situation over and over and over in my head. I sought out family members, my BF, friends and close co-workers for advice. I prayed, I cried, I got angry. I've lost so much sleep and I swear the stress of this situation on top of everything else has caused my hair to shed more than normal (yikes). Some days are worse than others.

But over the past couple of days I've started to wonder: maybe it's time to just let go? Let go of the whole situation, let go of those I have been hurt by, let go of the sadness, the anger, the disappointment, and all the other negative emotions I've been feeling. Unfortunately it is much easier said than done, but I think I'm getting there.

I can be stubborn but I refuse to be a doormat. One thing I have learned is that many people mistake my kindness for weakness (my petite stature doesn't help much, either). I would drop everything in a heartbeat to help out a friend -- hell even an acquaintance if they needed me. But that's just me. I've also learned that not everyone is like that, or willing to be there, or approach you and work together to find a way to repair the damage. It's a sad realization to come to, but as we go through life this is sometimes the unfortunate truth.

I'm not saying I'm throwing in the towel, or giving up, but maybe this one just has to roll off my back. One of the hardest things for me to do is to let go of an unresolved issue. I like to talk and work it out until it's better -- but maybe this is one of those times where it's just best to let go.



  1. I'm just like you. I find it so hard to let go of things. I don't like failures or unresolved issues. But you're right, sometimes you jut have to let things go.

    Whimsical Allure

    1. Agreed! It's difficult, and I'm not a fan of leaving things unresolved but sometimes there's nothing else you can do. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :)


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