My Secret to Eliminating Blemishes -- FAST!


A little history about my breakouts (bypass this ramble if you'd like to see my secret)...

I have had acne issues for as long as I can remember. High school and college were definitely the worst years for my skin. I broke out all over my forehead and got cystic acne all around my mouth and chin. It was horrible for my self-confidence and I wasn't exactly skilled (at that point) at covering everything up with makeup. I remember I was always so embarrassed and felt like anyone I talked to was looking at my acne. I started using ProActiv and didn't see the results I was hoping for -- most likely because I wasn't using it consistently like they suggest. I sought the help of a dermatologist who prescribed me an antibiotic and medicated creams which did wonders for my skin. However, after about a year or so, I decided to go off the medication and stop seeing the dermatologist because I was concerned about being on an antibiotic for more than a year. My acne came back full force and I decided to turn to ProActiv again.

Now that ProActiv has their extra-strength formula and I am using it consistently (for the most part) my acne has cleared up dramatically. Don't get me wrong, though there are times -- especially when I am stressed -- that I break out like crazy. Besides covering up these unsightly blemishes I have found something that works amazingly well (for me, anyway) at vanishing pimples very quickly...

You can find Tea Tree Oil at any drugstore, vitamin shop, or grocery store. Any brand will work well. The kind I use Nature's Bounty and it works wonders for my blemishes. Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic that is meant to be applied to the skin to help kill bacteria or fungus. It can treat a number of infections and can even be added to bath water to help treat congestion (to read more information click here). 

To treat my blemishes, I take a q-tip or a cotton round, saturate it with the tea tree oil and apply directly to any blemishes I have. I do this twice a day (once in the morning, once at night), and I have noticed that if I am consistent my blemishes are dramatically reduced within a day or two. As long as I allow the tea tree oil enough time to absorb and I moisturize afterwards (it can be a little drying on the skin), I can apply my makeup over top with no problem. One con some might notice is the smell. Tea Tree Oil has an extremely strong odor (in my opinion, I think it smells good), and it may sting just a little upon application, but nothing that is unbearable. Just make sure not to get the oil in your eyes, and you are good to go.

For me, no matter how I'm treating my acne, Tea Tree Oil is a miracle worker and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a quick fix for blemishes. Let me know if you've ever tried it before and how it worked (or even if it didn't work!) for you. 


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